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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Wants an Desires!

If you want something, you get a strong feeling of needing to have it now. Not getting it leads to frustration which is not healthy. Example, you want chocolate right now, and you can't have it, it is easy to become frustrated.
However if you desire something, its a softer feeling that guides you through life to achieve certain steps to which lead to your desires. My desire 5 years ago was to become a reputable industrialist, every step I took since has led me to this day when I can deliver mass produced product to the markets.
If you desire to be a certain way in 10 years time, pay attention to what you read and who you meet; they will have a hand in shaping who you will be in 10 years time...
CEO Tapera Industries Zambia| BiofuelsExpert | MWF 2014
Skype: toba851
