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Monday, January 27, 2014

Work culture...

I'm standing at the Mt Meru gas station, Great north road, at Spar Northrise. Attendant is topping up flammable petrol in my car. Right in front of a "no cells phone allowed" sign, a phone rings, not surprisingly, the fuel attending in mid service answers the call and after a few seconds I'm expecting her to say "sorry i'm decanting fuel, i'll call back" she continues clucking on the phone and i decide thats its not right so I say to her, 'my dear, do you know that phones are not allowed during service' she responds (still on the phone) "i know, its my job, just go away"... I was left with no option but to report to her supervisor, who was equally surprised at me complaining about her subordinates conduct. Apparently they didn't think it was a big deal to have an ignition source active near an explosive substance, in a densely populated area.
That scenario is 1 of thousands that occur every working hour in Lusaka city. We can say the attendant is bad at her job, obviously; what about her supervisor who is indifferent to their subordinates not following the rules, obviously they are to blame; then again does the Energy Regulation Board, regulate the personnel who handle materials that could have devastating consequences if mishandled.
Our work culture in Zambia borders on mediocrity simply because no one cares enough to point out atrocity, well except me, 1 in 13 million me.
i wish we could stop overlooking such atrocities and confront the wrong doers, who knows, we might get Zambia moving forward with employees who are accountable for their actions.

Zed wars, Bubble almost bursting....

I got  so much to say, but cant say much. sometimes I think we live in a society that has at war with itself, lucky me to have the opportunity to see all sides of our little bubble we call zed...
I live in a relatively affluent neighborhood, Zambia vice president is my neighbor. but when i leave for work in the morning, all that is thrown out the window, simply because when i go to work in the industrial area, i have to get in touch with reality. In my hood, theres no traffic, no noise, no cars honking indiscriminately, just peaceful noise birds chirping, trees swaying n Lil boys smoking trees. however, just on my way to the industrial area, i drive through a lil known place called chibloya (most direct non congested route). Most have only heard about it, Trevor Noah even joked about it, the fact is that, its one of those places that a spoilt brat would never dare venture into. Granted our country is a country of laws, but those guys didn't get that memo, trust me. Its a place where you can find Mary Jane sold freely, and with my dread i got offered it, (quite a lot actually lol) and we got self imposed toll booth attendants (without the mandate, authority, uniform, health benefits, lil mogadishu actually), very enterprising individuals actually funnel traffic into one direction by simply placing boulders in strategic positions  and demand a toll charge to let motorists pass. Well they have to make money somehow.
To be honest, i'm OK with the status quo (as long as i work hard to live in a high security area), my only fear is that, they will get hungrier and will demand much more than toll charges i.e. a bus driver got frustrated by passengers nagging him for delaying their journey, he simply parked in Chibolya and let the get robbed. but hey, i'm the VP's neighbor too bad for whoever has to catch the first hit (first line of defense)...